Pastor René F. Brown
e thank and praise God that you have taken the time to visit our website. Since you have chosen to view what God has done at Mount Zion First Baptist Church, we should at least let you know why we exist. This church has been in existence since 1858 the year when Abraham Lincoln declared that this country would be divided over the issue of slavery. How befitting is that to a place that would be the center of the bus boycott 95 years later! The heritage and legacy of this church goes far beyond its years of service to this community.
Since my arrival in April 2007 we have attempted to promote a different type of integration, by proclaiming a real and relevant word to a redeemed people seeking a righteous relationship with a risen Savior. As we ascribe to “Opening our Understanding”, we believe that in order for real freedom to take place, one must open their understanding of the scriptures. We are not promoting a church or a religion, we are Lifting a Savior.
Our mission statement is, “Embracing the Community, Evangelizing the Lost, Encouraging the Saved, Elevating the Savior, and Expecting the Christ”. Our goal is to promote a relationship with a savior who can change every aspect of your life through discipleship, fellowship, friendship, and worship. When this is achieved we should have a “Healthy congregation of called out, fully committed Christians who are transforming the world for Christ. God bless you and we hope you enjoy our website.